November 29, 2016 + Editorial
Hard day at the office?
Hard day at the office? Life sucks for most people. Face it. How’s your life looking? What’s your experience? Is it all worth it? We can kid ourselves that the routine we have is free choice. The hamster-wheel-of-life is happening, and we’re all spinning it around. But is there really an option to stop the wheel and hop off? Mr and Mrs Jones We’re… Read More
October 16, 2016 + Editorial
Want a luxury watch collection?
Consumerism is the new religion. It’s maybe not the best thing in the world to acknowledge, but it’s true. Want a luxury watch collection? Join the queue. More is more. Consider that most people spend 95% to 105% of their income. What’s it spent on? It’s spent on stuff – anything. Very rarely do you get someone existing within 60% of their income. There’s… Read More
October 16, 2016 + Editorial
What’s the point in owning?
Watches aren’t for life, they’re for now. What’s the point in owning? Be the kid in the candy store. Be the one who get’s to taste all the sweets. Be the cat that got the cream! Owning comes with obligation and hassle, big commitment, and zero liquidity. For this, you’ve got to cough up a lot of money at the outset, so that you… Read More

October 15, 2016 + Editorial
Why we aren’t ‘owning’ anymore
The world is changing. People want more flexibility and freedom. They subscribe. Two generations ago, it was typical to have only two-or-three jobs, within one defined career, in an entire lifetime. Most people lived their lives in one or two homes, and rarely traveled outside their country. Everything is speeding up. People are switching jobs every few months, and people change careers more fluidly…. Read More
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